Thursday, November 25, 2010

So Much......

I have so much to be thankful for on this day. I thank our Savior everyday, but on this day of thanksgiving, I am overwhelmed.

I am thankful for my husband. We have our ups and downs and are by no means perfect, but we work hard to understand each other, we respect each other and we love each other.

I am thankful for my family. My stepmom, dad, sisters, and brother are my life. As opinionated as they are, they are always there loving me, supporting me.

I am thankful for my angels. Alyssa-Joy and Evan have taught me unconditional love. They have made me a better person, wife, daughter, sister, teacher, friend.

I am thankful for jobs. Yup! You read that right! We BOTH have jobs. Praise God!

I am thankful for my savior and his provisions. Hubby had been unemployed for 8 months, but God provided in unmeasurable ways. We were never without want.

I am thankful for a super long cervix. At my appointment yesterday, my cervix measured 3.58 cm. It was long, curved and closed tight. At this gestation last year, 16 weeks, I was on bedrest completely funneled to the stitch. God is indeed good.

I am thankful for the struggles I have had in life. The good and the bad has defined who I am today.

I am thankful for all of you. My IC sisters, my ABBY sisters, and my blog sisters. Thank you for your many prayers, well wishes, good thoughts, and constant support. I could not have walked this journey without all of you.

Happy Thanksgiving! May your day be filled with joy, bittersweet happiness, may it be uneventful, and may peace reside in your hearts.

Awaiting my expected end (great c/l and still working!),


  1. Happy (late) Thanksgiving, Marie! I echo many of your sentiments. Fantastic CL, too! Yay, 16 weeks already! (((HUGS))) I'm so happy for you!

  2. Marie,

    Indeed, we all have so many things to be grateful for. Yes, thankful!

    So happy you are doing well and I am praying always for you.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving (belated anyway) to you!
