Thursday, September 3, 2009


Two days after I lost Evan, when I was home ridding the house of all things maternity and baby (magazines, maternity clothes, baby books), a large butterfly flew to the window and sat on the sill. I stopped what I was doing and watched that butterfly for a good ten minutes. The butterfly never budged until hubby came in and fired up the vacuum cleaner. I remember a peace washing over me and the scripture came to mind " Be still".

I mentioned to my hubby that it was Evan letting us know that he is okay.

The same thing happened when we lost Alyssa-Joy. On the way home from the hospital, a butterfly sat on the windshield and stayed there until we got home. I have heard many people say that butterflies are the spirits of our angels that often blesss us with their presence and remind us that all is well.

Last night, Bree, another angel mommy sent me these butterflies in memory of and as a reminder of my precious babies. Bree, my heart melted and I cried. Thank you for honoring my babies and reminding others that they indeed have beings and will be forever remembered.
Thank you all for sharing my grief and allowing me to express myself freely.

Where is my expected end?


  1. Those are so beautiful.

    My dad used to tell me that he saw butterflies after my grandpa died. I always thought that was a sweet thing that he had seen until I heard so many people talk about seeing butterflies. Now, they are meaningful in so many ways.

  2. My grandma had a butterfly who used to come and visit her every day after her mother died - I think it's an amazing sign.

    God bless.

  3. Wow...that is absolutely amazing. How wonderful that you were given that little gift. Thinkin' about you...

  4. So beautiful! What a wonderful friend you have!

  5. I see butterflies all the time now, too. But, it is always so quick. They don't stick around for too long. Please email me if you'd like me to mail you the butterflies. I'd love to send them to you so that you can hang them somewhere where they'd make you smile. :)

  6. Bree is a lovely, isn't she?

    I'm glad that your butterflies have found you in your time of grief. I hope you always have your butterflies and know that your babies are perfect and happy in heaven with their Heavenly Father.

    Love and hugs..
